Seminar in Villejuif

We will be visiting the Llacan, Sedyl and Lactito for a seminar on experimental methods and our consulting service June, 19th at 11 am.


Seminar at LLF

We will be visiting the Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle for a seminar on experimental methods and our consulting service June, 8th at 2 pm.


Seminar at MII

We will be visiting the Monde Iranien et Indien for a seminar on experimental methods and our consulting service June, 6th at 2.30 pm.


Information on experimental resources

We are currently working on putting together a list of useful resources for running language experiments here.



Here are the slides of the first meeting on the construction of a dialogue corpus
You can only see and download this file if you are logged in and have selected this article by clicking on its title

Eye tracking glasses

We are currently waiting for the funding of a new eye-tracking system, which will be used for the dialogue corpus. 

nouveau post-doc

Karla Aviles was hired as a new post-doc. 


48 membres of the Labex have answered the questionnaire so far. Thank you!
Currently, Emilia is visiting the different labs in order to gather additional information.


Dans le cadre de la mise en place d'un inventaire des techniques empiriques utilisées dans notre Labex, nous avons crée un questionnaire d'une durée de quelques minutes. Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir remplir ce questionnaire même si vous n'utilisez pas de techniques empiriques actuellement.
Cliquer ici


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